NCP Member-Only Blog > Program Highlight of the Month: APP

Program Highlight of the Month: APP

posted on Jan 29, 2023

images/Lucia_Melito.jpg"I feel a personal responsibility as the APP program director to ensure that NCP offers the best two-year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program that is out there and to provide an energized and connected experience with NCP so that graduates will want to make our Institute their professional home. I work with a wonderful committee that feels the same way! The APP committee consists of Linda Goodman, Lisa Oxman, Doug Wilson, Cage Hall, Duc Nguyen and APP manager, Christian Bold, MS, who keeps everything running smoothly. APP committee members do it all, we don't have subcommittees. The APP committee meets monthly and every member teaches, interviews applicants, votes on admission, serves as mentors, updates the curriculum, decides on faculty appointments and handles a million details and fires as they come up. The atmosphere is open and everyone feels free to contribute their ideas for the growth and future of the APP program and we all participate in the work it takes to achieve those goals. Likewise, the success of the program is shared by everyone and our motivation and energy is high.

The pandemic has been a silver lining for our program. By moving to Zoom classes we have been able to attract applicants who would otherwise be unable to attend due to distance. The educational experience is richer, for both students and faculty, when classes are larger and composed of diverse people working in diverse settings. The APP works hard to ensure connection and cohesion and meets a few times a year in person. By having classes on Zoom we have also been able to tap further and more deeply into our membership/community pool for teaching since late evening classes coupled with long commutes were a hard sell. The quality of our faculty and teaching is what makes our program shine so brightly."


Lucia Melito, PhD | Program Director
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program