Policies: Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program
For particular policies and procedures during training Clinical Associates (CA's) are to refer to their CA Manual.
Requirement to Inform
An applicant is required to sign a statement confirming agreement to report “any felony convictions and/or licensing, professional membership or affiliation disciplinary action(s) started against me as a result of my counseling or therapy services or any license I hold to practice counseling or therapy including, but not limited to, revocation, suspension, probation, practice limitations, reprimand, letter of admonition, censure and any allegations of any misconduct that could possibly result in any of the foregoing that occur while I am a participant in the New Center for Psychoanalysis Training Program.” Failure to comply could adversely affect patients and the Center.
Harassment Policy
NCP intends to provide an environment that is at all times healthful, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility, or other offenses that might interfere with work or learning performance. Harassment of any sort, including but not limited to verbal, physical, or visual communication, will not be tolerated.
Dismissal Policies
Clinical Associates are provided with the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Standards of Ethics. NCP requires that its students meet and uphold these standards and the ethical standards of their professions. Training may be discontinued for cause in the case of unethical or unprofessional conduct. Students are expressly prohibited from advertising or calling themselves psychoanalysts until such time as the Progression Committee and Education Committee deems it appropriate to do so. Any student determined to have provided false information on the application or on other documents plagiarized, harassed, or assaulted another—either verbally, physically, or sexually—is dismissed without appeal. Repeated absences, excessive tardiness, disruptive behavior, or failure to meet minimum training standards established by NCP are grounds for probation. If such an Associate continues to experience difficulty in training and does not seem responsive to counseling by his/her advisor, NCP may suspend or dismiss the student for academic cause.
Grievance Policy
NCP is committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Psychoanalytic Association's Principles and Standards of Ethics for Psychoanalysts.* NCP will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, training, and the rights and privileges of its students and faculty. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards is the responsibility of the Education Committee, in conjunction with the Progression Committee and, if necessary, the New Center for Psychoanalysis Board of Directors and/or the NCP Ethics Committee. Any matter requiring intervention or action would undergo the following procedure:
- The individual will be asked to write his/her grievance and submit it to the Education Committee. With the Candidate's permission, the Education Committee will then share the comments along with a written assessment/review to the appropriate committee/group/board for further discussion and recommended action.
- Every effort will be made to keep the Candidate’s identity confidential if they so desire.
- The Progression and Education Committee members are the final arbiters of any grievances/issues regarding course materials/instruction or academic progression.
For details on these policies, see APsA's Code of Ethics.