NCP Member-Only Blog > November 2022 Board Meeting Summary

November 2022 Board Meeting Summary

posted on Dec 7, 2022

The major focus and discussion of the board this month was returning to accepting Research Analysts into training. As you may remember, in 2020-2021 the BPPE’s interpretation of the education code became more restrictive. This impacted our ability to admit Research Analysts despite our efforts to explain their registration under the Medical Board and still maintain an Exempt status. A task force of several California-based institutes worked for two years to try and find a solution to the BPPE issue with the assistance of a lobbyist, but we were advised this past August they refused to change or alter their standing.

To ensure that Research Analysts can apply to the Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program, we are exploring three potential avenues:

  1. Maintain exempt status with the BPPE by offering a pre-matriculation course for student Research applicants prior to formal enrollment at NCP. Approval by the Medical Board and BPPE is necessary for us to move forward with this option.
  2. Apply for BPPE Approved non-accredited status.
  3. Apply for BPPE Approved Accredited status.

Estelle Shane was invited to our meeting by Jimmy Fisher to help talk through the pros and cons of each approach. Estelle is familiar with the ICP approach, which was to apply for BPPE Approved Accredited status and WASC approval. They eventually did not get WASC approval but received Approved Non-Accredited status with the BPPE and were thus able to accept Student Research Analysts into their program. As a board, we will continue to look into these options anticipating a decision by January as to our direction.   

The Board also got an update from the Bylaws committee, which is working to revise and add some new bylaws to the organization. These will be presented to the membership early next spring.  

Happy Holidays, everyone.  We hope you have a wonderful holiday season.