NCP Member-Only Blog > May 2021 Board Meeting Summary

May 2021 Board Meeting Summary

posted on Jun 30, 2021

In preparation for the annual meeting on June 8, the board discussed committee reports and made an outline for the meeting. The consolidated Annual Report was made available to the membership prior to the meeting. Board leadership positions are still available. If you're interested, please contact Myra Pomerantz, the chair of the committee. It was also announced that Paulene and Cecilia will meet with each of the department leaders to review their budget estimates. Ken House gave his mission moment by reminding the board to keep expenses within the “4% rule” when determining available funds for operating. He also reminded the board of the continued aging membership and the need to secure more members and more students.

David Thomsen gave a very thorough and informative financial report. He is pleased that our new accounting system reflects a more transparent profit and loss statement as well as a system to take money in and out of the restricted and unrestricted funds. We will continue to work on creating policy and procedures regarding the process of who has authority to take money out and how much. Our financial gains over this past year went up substantially due to the strength of the market. This past year is the first time we “broke even” (it helped that we didn’t have nearly as many expenses because of COVID).

The board voted in a psychotherapy graduate as a new member. The board also discussed staff raises, the need for a new hire (Ebony is reducing her time), and requests for funds from different departments within NCP. Myra Pomerantz suggested we rehire the consultant we used two years ago to help us navigate the BPPE application. Our renewal is this September. 

Jill Model Barth gave the board a summary report of the recent ACPEinc site visit. It was a very positive experience for NCP and hats off to Jill, Cheryl and the EC team, who worked for several months completing and submitting the extensive renewal application and site visit planning. Jill said that the EC is exploring the possibility of including several international students. It does look like we will have a large first-year class in the fall.

Strategic Planning Committee gave an update about the timeline for the search for the new Executive Director position. A search committee will be created this summer.

Lastly, a new budget for the building project was presented. The building is currently undergoing asbestos abatement in the “popcorn” ceilings. We remain hopeful that the building will be ready for occupancy by Labor Day.

Our June meeting will be the Annual Meeting so we will not meet again until July.