NCP Member-Only Blog > Board of Directors Summary: November 2020 Newsletter

Board of Directors Summary: November 2020 Newsletter

posted on Nov 1, 2020

October Board Summary

The board is in the process of finalizing the vision and mission statements that were presented to them by the Strategic Planning Committee. The vision and mission statements are very important parts of our five-year plan, as they will guide and focus us on how we operate and develop our educational programs and how we communicate the value of our programs through community outreach. We hope to present a final version within the next couple of months.

The BPPE in Sacramento resumed their meetings to review and make recommendations to revise existing regulations, including those that allow for exemptions (which NCP currently has in order to operate). We do not have any information yet about how California-based psychoanalytic institutes may fit under these changing guidelines. We will be monitoring any proposed legislation as it unfolds. No doubt this has been very stressful for us regarding our long-term planning.

The psychoanalytic training programs recently submitted a renewal application to its credentialing body, ACPEinc, which is continuing to seek recognition from the U.S. Department of Education. The COVID-19 situation has made these efforts slower and a bit more difficult.

There is good news regarding some upgrades to our building. The Finance Committee recommended to the board that we move forward with some revisions, such as a ventilation upgrade, technology improvements, added power to the kitchen, a retractable wall between classrooms 2 and 3, new lighting, floors, countertops, painting, and security system. We are in the process of getting bids and hope to have a very beautiful building ready for us when we return next year.

We still have a lot to do but are making good progress.