NCP Member-Only Blog > Board of Directors Summary: January 2021 Newsletter

Board of Directors Summary: January 2021 Newsletter

posted on Dec 30, 2020

images/Mission-Vision-250.jpgThe December 2020 board meeting began by announcing that Jill Model Barth has been selected to receive the Edith Sabshin Teaching Award for 2020. Congratulations to Jill, who will receive this Award at the upcoming APsaA meeting in February.

I am pleased to announce that the board has unanimously passed the Vision and Mission document that the Strategic Planning Committee has been working on for the past year. You can look at the document here.

I gave an update on the building remodel project. A contractor, designer, and technology wizard have been hired to give the building a long-needed update and a bit of a new contemporary look. Work will begin in March and should be done by September. I’m looking forward to having a wonderful celebration in our new space come fall. Stay tuned.

Since we need to remove the asbestos from the ceiling and our plans include installing a collapsible wall between classrooms 2 & 3, we need to move books. We have many old volumes and paper journals that need to be relocated, which has presented a bit of a problem. We are sorting out where to house these books and making decisions about those we can discard. We are working on the possibility of a book sale and will keep the membership in the loop if we decide to do that (perhaps in the parking lot).

I am working on a board retreat in March for the board to discuss many important topics, such as possible change of financial managers, reorganization of the board structure, bylaw changes, and partnerships with other institutes.

The board has been able to move forward with the remodel and acceptance of a new vision and mission statement this year. The EC has also made a huge step in accepting international online applications for the analytic training program. I am very pleased we have made this progress and look forward to tackling the next series of issues in 2021.

Happy New Year to all our members. May 2021 bring us together again!!

Paulene Popek