NCP Member-Only Blog > Amber's Updates: November 2022- Succession Planning with the Strategic Planning Committee

Amber's Updates: November 2022- Succession Planning with the Strategic Planning Committee

posted on Nov 11, 2022

In September the Strategic Planning Committee met to discuss succession planning for the spring of 2023. I listened to the community outline their hopes for the future as well as major challenges facing the organization. We discussed goals that could be achieved before the current administration’s tenure ends, and speculated about options that will require deep thought, thorough discussion, and tough decisions that will land on the next administration’s shoulders. The conversation left me wondering: Who is going to take on this challenge of where NCP heads next? Who can lead us through these difficult decisions? Where does the momentum we currently have with the BPPE and the topic of accreditation go, not only into the next two years, but into the next five years, 10 years and beyond?

The answer is that you, the members, will lead us into and through the next chapter of NCP’s future. You will answer, “Where is NCP headed?”

The committee members acknowledge that NCP faces institutional-level changes, not only with choosing a direction forward for the institute and its programs, but also with our culture and how we relate to one another. Our mission is “dedicated to deepening the understanding of being human through the theory and practice of psychoanalysis.” For me, the key message of our mission is that we are all in the act of being human. I believe that we need to serve this mission within our own community, in our meetings, in our classes, and in our interpersonal communications.

What inspires me about this community is its willingness to volunteer. My days are filled with volunteers, tackling important questions that elevate our community. Never in my career have I experienced this level of volunteering. It’s incredible! Your passions, your drive and your dedication are qualities to behold. I am excited to experience the process of a transition of leadership at NCP and I look forward to working with anyone who is willing to give their time to support the improvement of our organization. If you are interested in getting involved at any level, from joining a committee to serving as president, please reach out to me. I’m happy to talk about how to get involved.


Amber McClarin
Executive Director