Howard Bacal
Howard Bacal, MD
MD; PsychiatristContact Information:
1221 N. Norman Place
Los Angeles, CA
TEL: (310) 471-4706
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Practice Information:
Training and Supervising Analyst at the New Center for Psychoanalysis and the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis; private practice in West Los Angeles. I qualified in adult and child psychoanalysis at the Institute of Psychoanalysis in London, where my supervisors included Michael Balint, Donald Winnicott, and Wilfred Bion. I subsequently undertook further training with Heinz Kohut in Chicago, which led to my formulating a “relational self psychology”. My focus in therapy is on the emergence of therapeutic possibility in the uniqueness of process within each analytic dyad. I have published papers on psychoanalytic practice, theory, and research. I am co-author, with Kenneth Newman, of Theories of Object-Relations: Bridges to Self Psychology (1990); Ed., Optimal Responsiveness: How Therapists Heal their Patients (1998); author, The Power of Specificity in Psychotherapy: When Therapy Works – And When It Doesn’t (2011).
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