Alain Cohen

Alain Cohen

Research Psychoanalyst
License # RP 247


Psychoanalyst, Graduate from SDPSI (San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute), Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program. Member, American Psychoanalytic Association, and International Psychoanalytic Association. Alain J.-J. Cohen has a pluri-disciplinary and multi-national formation in clinical and theoretical psychoanalysis (from Freud and Lacan to today’s multiple schools of psychoanalysis), film studies, the history and analysis of cinema, aesthetics and philosophy, literary theory, semiotics (C.S. Peirce, A.-J. Greimas, to the present), and art history. Through his teaching and research, Cohen has been dedicated to the dissemination of (1) psychoanalysis, (2) cinema studies and(3) semiotics. Research: Cohen has authored 100-odd research articles in professional journals and scholarly volumes, and presented 275 papers at invited lectures and conferences around the world.