Clinical Moments
7:45 PM, December 7, 2021
Peter Loewenberg, PhD, will present "When the Analyst Gets Sleepy."
Peter Loewenberg, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of History and Political Psychology at UCLA. He led the UCLA Bruin Grenada Project in 1965-66 when MLK's SCLC called on UCLA for teaching help in preparing the segregated African-American high school students in Grenada, northern Mississippi for school integration.
Dr. Loewenberg is a Training and Supervising Analyst and former Dean of the New Center for Psychoanalysis. He was elected North American Representative on the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) Board. He Chaired the IPA China Committee, 2007-2013, which initiated full psychoanalytic training in China. He is the author of many publications, including Decoding the Past: the Psychohistorical Approach (1996) and Fantasy and Reality in History (1995). He is Editor (with Nellie Thompson) of 100 Years of the IPA (1910-2010) (2011).
This informal event typically meets on the first Tuesday evening of each month and is intended for psychology/social work graduate students, psychiatry residents, and mental health professionals interested in the psychoanalytic training programs at the New Center for Psychoanalysis.
- This meeting takes place on Zoom. Please join us at 7:45 pm. We will divide into break-out rooms for an informal hello and chat. Then at 8pm the presentation will begin.
- The presentations typically include clinical case information. Due to the confidentiality of the material presented, we request attendees leave their video ON during the entire presentation so we can monitor who is in attendance. Those with their video off will be removed from the meeting.