Jessica Benjamin Study Group
July 9, 2019, 8:00 - 9:30 PM
NCP's Master Clinician-in-Residence
Jessica Benjamin, PhD
In preparation for Dr. Benjamin's visit to NCP November 4-9, there are four study group meetings planned for the following dates:
1. July 9, 2019 - This session will be facilitated by Garret Wyner, PhD, PsyD
Downloadable copies of the readings and orienting questions for this session can be found here:
2. August 13, 2019 - Facilitated by Estelle Shane, PhD
3. September 17, 2019 - Facilitated by Van DeGolia, MD
4. October 10, 2019 - Facilitated by Cheryl Goldstein, PhD
Please also be aware of the following podcast.
We hope you can join us. Registrations are strongly suggested but not required.